Java 23

Better Language, Better APIs, Better Runtime

Developer Advocate

Java Team at Oracle

Let’s get started!

  • this session focuses on Java 22 and 23

  • slides at
    (hit "?" to get navigation help)

  • ask questions any time

Lots to talk about!

Final features in Java 22 and 23:

  • unnamed patterns ㉒

  • FFM API ㉒

  • multi-source-file programs ㉒

  • Markdown in JavaDoc ㉓

  • generational ZGC by default ㉓

Lots to talk about!

Preview features:

  • primitive patterns

  • module imports

  • string templates

  • flexible constructor bodies

  • stream gatherers

  • class-file API

Java 23

Final Features
Unnamed Patterns
Launch Multi-File Programs
Markdown in JavaDoc
GenZGC by Default
Preview Features


Use _ to mark a (pattern) variable as unused, e.g.:

BiConsumer<String, Double> = (s, _) -> // use `s`

Object obj = // ...
if (obj instanceof User(var name, _))
	// use `name`

switch (obj) {
	case User _ -> userCount++;
	case Admin _ -> adminCount++;

That last one is very important!

A simple app


  • scrapes GitHub projects

  • creates Page instances:

    • GitHubIssuePage

    • GitHubPrPage

    • ExternalPage

    • ErrorPage

  • further processes pages

A simple app


  • display as interactive graph

  • compute graph properties

  • categorize pages by topic

  • analyze mood of interactions

  • process payment for analyses

  • etc.

A simple architecture?

How to implement features?

  • methods on Page 😧

  • visitor pattern 😫

  • pattern matching 🥳

Pattern Matching


Pattern Matching


  • make Page sealed

  • implement features as methods outside of Page

  • accept Page parameters and switch over it

  • avoid default branch for maintainability

Sealed Page

Sealed types limit inheritance,
by only allowing specific subtypes.

public sealed interface Page
	permits GitHubIssuePage, GitHubPrPage,
			ExternalPage, ErrorPage {
	// ...

Switch over Page

public Category categorize(Page page) {
	return switch (page) {
		case GitHubIssuePage is -> categorizeIssue(is);
		case GitHubPrPage pr -> categorizePr(pr);
		case ExternalPage ext -> categorizeExternal(ext);
		case ErrorPage err -> categorizeError(err);

Default Behavior

Sometimes you have "defaulty" behavior:

public Category categorize(Page page) {
	return switch (page) {
		// categorize only GitHub pages
		case GitHubIssuePage is -> categorizeIssue(is);
		case GitHubPrPage pr -> categorizePr(pr);
		// return Category.NONE for other page types

How to handle remaining cases?


Unlike an if-else-if-chain,
a pattern switch needs to be exhaustive.

Fulfilled by:

  1. a default branch

  2. explicit branches:

    • switching over a sealed types

    • a case per subtype

Default Branches

Option 1:

public Category categorize(Page page) {
	return switch (page) {
		case GitHubIssuePage is -> categorizeIssue(is);
		case GitHubPrPage pr -> categorizePr(pr);
		default -> Category.NONE;

Default Branches

If GitHubCommitPage is added:

public Category categorize(Page page) {
	return switch (page) {
		case GitHubIssuePage is -> categorizeIssue(is);
		case GitHubPrPage pr -> categorizePr(pr);
		// `GitHubCommitPage` gets no category!
		default -> Category.NONE;

⇝ Adding a new subtype causes no compile error! ❌

Explicit Branches In Java 21

Option 2 in Java 21
(without preview features):

public Category categorize(Page page) {
	return switch (page) {
		case GitHubIssuePage is -> categorizeIssue(is);
		case GitHubPrPage pr -> categorizePr(pr);
		// duplication 😢
		case ErrorPage err -> Category.NONE;
		case ExternalPage ext -> Category.NONE;

Explicit Branches In Java 21

If GitHubCommitPage is added:

public Category categorize(Page page) {
	// error:
	//     "the switch expression does not cover
	//      all possible input values"
	return switch (page) {
		case GitHubIssuePage is -> categorizeIssue(is);
		case GitHubPrPage pr -> categorizePr(pr);
		case ErrorPage err -> Category.NONE;
		case ExternalPage ext -> Category.NONE;

⇝ Adding a new subtype causes a compile error! ✅

Explicit Branches

Would be nice to combine branches:

public Category categorize(Page page) {
	return switch (page) {
		case GitHubIssuePage is -> categorizeIssue(is);
		case GitHubPrPage pr -> categorizePr(pr);
		case ErrorPage err, ExternalPage ext
			-> Category.NONE;

Doesn’t make sense.
(Neither err nor ext would be in scope.)

Explicit Branches in Java 22

Use _ to combine "default branches":

public Category categorize(Page page) {
	return switch (page) {
		case GitHubIssuePage is -> categorizeIssue(is);
		case GitHubPrPage pr -> categorizePr(pr);
		case ErrorPage _, ExternalPage _
			-> Category.NONE;

⇝ Default behavior without default branch. 🥳


Java 23

Final Features
Unnamed Patterns
Launch Multi-File Programs
Markdown in JavaDoc
GenZGC by Default
Preview Features

Foreign memory

Storing data off-heap is tough:

  • ByteBuffer is limited (2GB) and inefficient

  • Unsafe is…​ unsafe and not supported

Foreign-memory API

Panama introduces safe and performant API:

  • control (de)allocation:
    Arena, MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator

  • to access/manipulate: MemoryLayout, VarHandle

Foreign-memory API

// create `Arena` to manage off-heap memory lifetime
try (Arena offHeap = Arena.ofConfined()) {
	// [allocate off-heap memory to store pointers]
	// [do something with off-heap data]
	// [copy data back to heap]
} // off-heap memory is deallocated here

Foreign-memory API

Allocate off-heap memory to store pointers:

String[] javaStrings = { "mouse", "cat", "dog" };
// Arena offHeap = ...

MemorySegment pointers = offHeap.allocateArray(
	ValueLayout.ADDRESS, javaStrings.length);
for (int i = 0; i < javaStrings.length; i++) {
	// allocate off-heap & store a pointer
	MemorySegment cString = offHeap
		.setAtIndex(ValueLayout.ADDRESS, i, cString);

Foreign-memory API

Copy data back to heap:

// String[] javaStrings = ...
// MemorySegment pointers =

for (int i = 0; i < javaStrings.length; i++) {
	MemorySegment cString = pointers
		.getAtIndex(ValueLayout.ADDRESS, i);
	javaStrings[i] = cString.getUtf8String(0);

Foreign functions

JNI isn’t ideal:

  • involves several tedious artifacts (header file, impl, …​)

  • can only interoperate with languages that align
    with OS/architecture the JVM was built for

  • doesn’t reconcile Java/C type systems

Foreign-function API

Panama introduces streamlined tooling/API
based on method handles:

  • jextract: generates method handles from header file

  • classes to call foreign functions
    Linker, FunctionDescriptor, SymbolLookup

Foreign-function API

// find foreign function on the C library path
Linker linker = Linker.nativeLinker();
SymbolLookup stdlib = linker.defaultLookup();
MethodHandle radixSort = linker
	.downcallHandle(stdlib.find("radixsort"), ...);

String[] javaStrings = { "mouse", "cat", "dog" };
try (Arena offHeap = Arena.ofConfined()) {
	// [move Java strings off heap]
	// invoke foreign function
		pointers, javaStrings.length,
		MemorySegment.NULL, '\0');
	// [copy data back to heap]

Finally final!

Java 22 finalizes the FFM API, but there’s more to do:

  • user-friendly and performant mapping from
    native memory to Java records/interfaces

  • improving jextract and surrounding tooling

And more.


Java 23

Final Features
Unnamed Patterns
Launch Multi-File Programs
Markdown in JavaDoc
GenZGC by Default
Preview Features

A Mature Ecosystem

Java is very mature:

  • refined programming model

  • detailed toolchain

  • rich ecosystem

But this can make it hard to learn for new (Java) developers.

Approachable Java

Java needs to be approachable:

  • for kids

  • for students

  • for the frontend dev

  • for ML/AI folks

  • etc.

Java needs an on-ramp for new (Java) developers!

On-Ramp to Java


  • simplified main method and class

  • single-source-file execution

  • multi-source-file execution

Simpler Code

Remove requirement of:

  • String[] args parameter

  • main being static

  • main being public

  • the class itself

// smallest viable
void main() {
	// ...

[Preview in Java 23 — JEP 477]

Simpler Code

Implicitly declared classes, implicitly import:

  • 's methods print, println, and readln

  • public top-level classes in packages exported by java.base

// complete
void main() {
	var letters = List.of("A", "B", "C");

Single-File Execution

It’s easy to execute that file:


[Introduced in Java 11 — JEP 330]

Multi-File Execution

The program can expand:

 └─ Lib
     └─ library.jar

Run with:

java -cp 'Lib/*'

[Introduced in Java 22 — JEP 458]


Natural progression:

  • start with main()

  • need arguments? ⇝ add String[] args

  • need to organize code? ⇝ add methods

  • need shared state? ⇝ add fields

  • need more functionality? ⇝ explore JDK APIs

  • even more? ⇝ explore simple libraries

  • need more structure? ⇝ split into multiple files

  • even more ⇝ use visibility & packages

Doesn’t even have to be that order!


Simplified main:

Single-source-file execution:

Multi-source-file execution:

Java 23

Final Features
Unnamed Patterns
Launch Multi-File Programs
Markdown in JavaDoc
GenZGC by Default
Preview Features

Writing JavaDoc

Writing simple JavaDoc is great!

Writing more complex documentation…​

  • where does <p> go?

  • do we need </p>?

  • code snippets/blocks are cumbersome

  • lists are verbose

  • tables are terrible

  • …​

I blame HTML!


Markdown is more pleasant to write:

  • neither <p> nor </p>

  • code snippts/blocks are simple

  • lists are simple

  • tables are less terrible

  • embedding HTML is straightforward

Markdown is widely used and known.

Markdown in JavaDoc

Java now allows Markdown JavaDoc:

  • each line starts with ///

  • CommonMark 0.30

  • links to program elements use extended
    reference link syntax: [text][element]

  • JavaDoc tags work as usual

[Introduced in Java 23 — JEP 467]

Why /// ?

Wouldn’t this be nice:

 * Markdown here...

Why /// ?

No - reason #1:

 * Here's a list:
    * item #1
    * item #1

(The leading * in JavaDoc is optional.)

Why /// ?

No - reason #2:

 * ```java
 * /* a Java inline comment */
 * ```

(/** can’t contain */.)

Why /// ?


  • no such issues

  • doesn’t require new Java syntax
    (// already "escapes" parsing)


Inline code with `backticks`.

Code blocks with fences, e.g.:

public void example() { }

A language tag is set as a CSS class
for JS-based highlighting in the frontend.

(Add a library with javadoc --add-script …​.)


Markdown tables:

  • better than HTML tables

  • still uncomfortable to create manually

  • use something like

Advanced tables:

  • for features unsupported in Markdown,
    create HTML tables


JavaDoc tags work as expected:

  • can be used in Markdown comments

  • if they contain text, Markdown syntax works

/// For more information on comments,
/// see {@jls 3.7 Comments}.
/// @implSpec this implementation does _nothing_
public void doSomething() { }


Java 23

Final Features
Unnamed Patterns
Launch Multi-File Programs
Markdown in JavaDoc
GenZGC by Default
Preview Features

Generational ZGC

Compared to other GCs, ZGC:

  • optimizes for ultra-low pause times

  • can have higher memory footprint or higher CPU usage

In JDK 21, ZGC became generational.

Generational Hypothesis

  • most objects die young

  • those who don’t, grow (very) old

GCs can make use of this by tracking
young and old generations.

ZGC didn’t do this, but can do it now.


Netflix published a blog post on their adoption.

Out of context graphs (vs. G1):

netflix genzgc memory


netflix genzgc gc pause


In JDK 23, generational mode is the default for ZGC:


(Default GC is still G1.)



Cleaning house

Already removed:

Cleaning house

Deprecations (for removal):

  • memory access via Unsafe ㉓ (JEP 471)

  • allowed-by-default dynamic agents ㉑ (JEP 451)

  • Windows 32-bit x86 port ㉑ (JEPs 449, 479)

  • finalization ⑱ (JEP 421)

  • security manager ⑰ (JEP 411)

  • applet API ⑰ (JEP 398)

  • primitive wrapper constructors ⑯ (JEP 390)

  • biased locking ⑮ (JEP 374)


Methods for memory access have been superseeded
(VarHandles via JEP 193; FFM via JEP 454).

Will be phased out:

  • deprecation and compile-time warning ㉓

  • run-time warning ~㉕

  • exception on invocation ~㉖

  • remove methods


You’re probably not using it directly,
but your dependencies may.

Find them with --sun-misc-unsafe-memory-access:

  • warn: to get run-time warnings today

  • debug: same with more info

  • deny: throws exception

Report and help fix!


What it is:

  • a component that transforms byte code

  • uses java.lang.instrument or JVM TI

  • launches with JVM or attaches later ("dynamic")

Dynamic agents

What you need to know:

  • all mechanisms for agents remain intact

  • nothing changed yet

  • in the future, dynamic attach will be
    disabled by default

  • enable with -XX:+EnableDynamicAgentLoading

Dynamic agents

What you need to do:

  • run your app with -XX:-EnableDynamicAgentLoading

  • observe closely

  • investigate necessity of dynamic agents


What it is:

  • finalize() methods

  • a JLS/GC machinery for them


What you need to know:

  • you can disable with --finalization=disabled

  • in a future release, disabled will be the default

  • in a later release, finalization will be removed


What you need to do:

  • search for finalize() in your code and
    replace with try-with-resources or Cleaner API

  • search for finalize() in your dependencies and
    help remove them

  • run your app with --finalization=disabled and
    closely monitor resource behavior (e.g. file handles)

Security Manager

What it is:

  • a system of checks and permissions

  • intended to safeguard security-relevant
    code sections

  • embodied by SecurityManager

Security Manager

What you need to know:

  • barely used but maintenance-intensive

  • already disallowed by default

  • enable with

  • in a future release, it will be removed

Security Manager

What you need to do:

  • observe your app with default settings
    (⇝ security manager disallowed)

  • if used, move away from security manager

Primitive constructors

What it is:

  • new Integer(42)

  • new Double(42)

  • etc.

Primitive constructors

What you need to know:

  • Valhalla wants to turn them into value types

  • those have no identity

  • identity-based operations need to be removed

Primitive constructors

What you need to do:

  • Integer.valueOf(42)

  • Double.valueOf(42)

  • etc.


Java 23

Final Features
Preview Features
Primitive Patterns
Module Imports
String Templates
Flexible Constructor Bodies
Stream Gatherers
Class-File API

Patterns so far…​

In instanceof and switch, patterns can:

  • match against reference types

  • deconstruct records

  • nest patterns

  • ignore parts of a pattern

In switch:

  • refine the selection with guarded patterns

Patterns so far…​

That (plus sealed types) are
the pattern matching basics.

This will be:

  • built up with more features

  • built out to re-balance the language

Case in Point

The x instanceof Y operation:

  • meant: "is x of type Y?"

  • now means: "does x match the pattern Y?"

For primitives:

  • old semantics made no sense
    ⇝ no x instanceof $primitive

  • new semantics can make sense

Bound Checks

Example: int number = 0;

Can number be an instance of byte?

No, it’s an ìnt.

But can its value be a byte?


Bound Checks

int x = 0;
if (x instanceof byte b)
	System.out.println(b + " in [-128, 127]");
	System.out.println(x + " not in [-128, 127]");

More Checks

What’s special about 16_777_217?

Smallest positive int that float can’t represent.

Precision Checks

int x = 16_777_216;
if (x instanceof float f)
	// use `f`

Tri-state Boolean

Boolean bool = // ...
var emoji = switch (bool) {
	case null -> "";
	case true -> "✅";
	case false -> "❌";

(Bugged in 23; fixed in 23.0.1 and 24-EA.)


Java 23

Final Features
Preview Features
Primitive Patterns
Module Imports
String Templates
Flexible Constructor Bodies
Stream Gatherers
Class-File API


Which one do you prefer?

// option A
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

// option B
import java.util.*;

Star Imports


  • more succinct

  • easier to manage manually


  • less clear

  • chance of conflicts

  • arbitrary slice of API

Module Imports

import module $mod;
  • imports public API of $mod

  • your code does not need to be in a module

[Preview in Java 23 — JEP 476]

Module Import Details

import module $mod;

Imports all public top-level types in:

  • packages exported by $mod

  • packages exported by $mod to your module
    (qualified exports)

  • packages exported by modules that $mod
    requires transitively (implied readability)

Module Imports


  • much more succinct

  • trivial to manage manually


  • less detailed

  • conflicts are more likely


import module java.base;
import module java.desktop;
import module java.sql;

public class Example {

	public void example() {
		// error: reference to Date is ambiguous
		var outdated = new Date(1997, 1, 18);
		// error: reference to List is ambiguous
		var letters = List.of("I", "J", "N");


Resolving Conflicts

import module java.base;
import module java.desktop;
import module java.sql;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

public class Example {

	public void example() {
		var outdated = new Date(1997, 1, 18);
		var letters = List.of("I", "J", "N");


Use Cases

Consider using module imports, when:

  • you’re already using star imports

  • you’re writing scripts, experiments, demos, etc.

Default Import

Implicitly declared classes, implicitly import java.base:

// complete - no explicit imports!
void main() {
	List<?> dates = Stream
		.of(1, 2, 23, 29)
		.map(day -> LocalDate.of(
				.nextInt(11) + 1,



Java 23

Final Features
Preview Features
Primitive Patterns
Module Imports
String Templates
Flexible Constructor Bodies
Stream Gatherers
Class-File API

String composition

Composing strings in Java is cumbersome:

String property = "last_name";
String value = "Doe";

// concatenation
String query =
	"SELECT * FROM Person p WHERE p."
		+ property + " = '" + value + "'";
// formatting
String query =
	"SELECT * FROM Person p WHERE p.%s = '%s'"
		.formatted(property, value);

Comes with free SQL injection! 😳

String interpolation

Why not?

// (fictional syntax!)
String query =
	"SELECT * FROM Person p "
		+ "WHERE p.\{property} = '\{value}'";

Also comes with free SQL injection! 😳

String interpolation

SQL injections aren’t the only concern.

These also need validation and sanitization:


  • JSON

  • YAML

  • …​

All follow format-specific rules.

String templates

[Preview in Java 21 and 22 — JEP 430, JEP 459]

Statement query = SQL."""
	SELECT * FROM Person p
	WHERE p.\{property} = '\{value}'

Special SQL."…​" syntax was too much.

Quo Vadis?

  • string templates were removed from JDK 23
    (not even a preview)

  • the feature needs a redesign

  • timing is unknown



Java 23

Final Features
Preview Features
Primitive Patterns
Module Imports
String Templates
Flexible Constructor Bodies
Stream Gatherers
Class-File API

Constructor Chaining

With multiple constructors, it’s good practice
to have one constructor that:

  • checks all arguments

  • assigns all fields

Other constructors just forward (if possible).

Constructor Chaining

class Name {

	private final String first;
	private final String last;

	Name(String first, String last) {
		// [... checks for null, etc. ...]
		this.first = first;
		this.last = last;

	Name(String last) {
		this("", last);



With superclasses, chaining is enforced:

class ThreePartName extends Name {

	private final String middle;

			String first, String middle, String last) {
		// doesn't compile without this call
		super(first, last);
		this.middle = middle;




Java allows no statements before
super(…​) / this(…​)!


No statements before super(…​) / this(…​):

  • superclass should be initialized
    before subclass runs any code
    ⇝ no code before super(…​)

  • code before this(…​) would
    run before super(…​)
    ⇝ no code before this(…​)


This is inconvenient when you want to:

  • check arguments

  • prepare arguments

  • split/share arguments

Splitting Arguments

class Name {

	// fields and constructor as before

	Name(String full) {
		// does the same work twice
			full.split(" ")[0],
			full.split(" ")[1]);


Splitting Arguments

class Name {

	// fields and constructor as before

	// avoids two splits but "costs"
	// duplicated argument validation
	Name(String full) {
		String[] names = full.split(" ");
		// [... checks for null, etc. ...]
		this.first = names[0];
		this.last = names[1];


Splitting Arguments

class Name {

	// fields and constructor as before

	// avoids two splits but "costs"
	// an additional constructor
	Name(String full) {
		this(full.split(" "));

	private Name(String[] names) {
		this(names[0], names[1]);


Splitting Arguments

class Name {

	// fields and constructor as before

	// avoids two splits but "costs"
	// an additional construction protocol
	static Name fromFullName(String full) {
		String[] names = full.split(" ");
		return new Name(names[0], names[1]);


Limitations - Record Edition

To enforce a uniform construction protocol:

Records require all custom constructors
to (eventually) call the canonical constructor.

Limitations - Record Edition

record Name(String first, String last) {

	// nope
	Name(String full) {
		String[] names = full.split(" ");
		// [... checks for null, etc. ...]
		this.first = names[0];
		this.last = names[1];


Splitting Arguments

What we want to write:

record Name {

	Name(String full) {
		String[] names = full.split(" ");
		this(names[0], names[1]);


(Analogous for classes.)

Statements Before …​

Java 23 previews statements
before super(…​) and this(…​).

Great to…​

Check Arguments

class ThreePartName extends Name {

	private final String middle;

			String first, String middle, String last) {
		// can't have a middle name without a first name
		super(first, last);
		this.middle = middle;


Prepare Arguments

class ThreePartName extends Name {

	private final String middle;

			String first, String middle, String last) {
		// shorten first if middle is given
		var short1st = middle.length() == 1
				? first.substring(0, 1)
				: first;
		super(short1st, last);
		this.middle = middle;


Split Arguments

class ThreePartName extends Name {

	private final String middle;

	ThreePartName(String full) {
		// split "first middle last" on space (once 🙌🏾)
		var names = full.split(" ");
		super(names[0], names[2]);
		this.middle = names[1];


Surprising Cameo

  • Project Valhalla ponders non-nullable types

  • has to work with super()

  • subclass sets non-null fields before super()


Java 23

Final Features
Preview Features
Primitive Patterns
Module Imports
String Templates
Flexible Constructor Bodies
Stream Gatherers
Class-File API

Missing Stream Ops

Streams are great, but some
intermediate operations are missing:

  • sliding windows

  • fixed groups

  • take-while-including

  • scanning

  • increasing sequences

  • etc.

Missing Terminal Ops

Streams also don’t have all possible terminal operations.


  • generalization for terminal ops ⇝ collectors

  • a few implementations, e.g. Collectors.toSet()

  • extension point for them: Stream::collect

Let’s do the same for intermediate ops!

Introducing Gatherers

The gatherers API consists of:

  • generalization for intermediate ops ⇝ gatherers

  • a few implementations, e.g. Gatherers.scan(…)

  • extension point for them: Stream::gather

Stream.of("A", "C", "F", "B", "S")

Gatherer Building Blocks

One required building block:

  • accepts (state, element, downstream)

  • has the task to combine state and element

    • to update the state

    • to emit 0+ result(s) to downstream

Integrator Example

Behaves transparently:

static <T> Gatherer<T, ?, T> transparent() {
	Integrator<Void, T, T> integrator = (_, el, ds)
		-> ds.push(el);
	return Gatherer.of(integrator);

Integrator Example

Reimplements Stream::map:

static <T, R> Gatherer<T, ?, R> map(Function<T, R> f) {
	Integrator<Void, T, R> integrator = (_, el, ds) -> {
		R newEl = f.apply(el);
		return ds.push(newEl);
	return Gatherer.of(integrator);

Gatherer Building Blocks

Three optional building blocks:


creates instance(s) of state

  • accepts (state, downstream)

  • emits 0+ element(s) to downstream


combines to states into one

Fixed-Sized Groups

Create groups of fixed size:

  • stream input: "A", "C", "F", "B", "S"

  • output of groups(2): ["A", "C"], ["F", "B"], ["S"]

We need:

  • an initializer to create empty group list

  • an integrator that emits when group is full

  • a finisher to emit incomplete group

Fixed-Sized Group Initializer

Supplier<List<T>> initializer = ArrayList::new;

Fixed-Sized Group Integrator

Integrator<List<T>, T, List<T>> integrator =
	(list, el, ds) -> {

		if (list.size() < size)
			return true;
		else {
			var group = List.copyOf(list);
			return ds.push(group);

Fixed-Sized Group Finisher

BiConsumer<List<T>, Downstream<List<T>>> finisher =
	(list, ds) -> {
		var group = List.copyOf(list);

Fixed-Sized Group Gatherer

static <T> Gatherer<T, ?, List<T>> groups(int size) {
	Supplier<...> initializer = // ...
	Integrator<...> integrator = // ...
	BiConsumer<...> finisher = // ...

	return Gatherer.ofSequential(
		initializer, integrator, finisher);

Fixed-Sized Group Gatherer

Using our gatherer:

Stream.of("A", "C", "F", "B", "S")

// [A, C]
// [F, B]
// [S]


Java 23

Final Features
Preview Features
Primitive Patterns
Module Imports
String Templates
Flexible Constructor Bodies
Stream Gatherers
Class-File API

Bytecode Basics

Bytecode is instruction set for JVM:

  • creating objects and arrays

  • copying variable values or references
    between stack and registers

  • invoking methods

  • computing arithmetic operations

  • etc.

Bytecode Basics

Basic lifecycle:

  • generated by javac

  • stored in .class files

  • loaded, parsed, verified by class loader

  • executed by JVM

Bytecode Beyond Basics

In real life, much more happens:

  • generated by frameworks at build time

  • turned into machine code by JIT compiler
    or Graal native image

  • prefetched by class-data sharing

  • analyzed by jdeps, SpotBugs, etc.

  • manipulated by agents and libraries

Bytecode Tools


  • libraries don’t manipulate bytecode themselves

  • they use a few tools

Big player is ASM
(direct or, e.g., via ByteBuddy or CGLIB).

Migration Pains


  • bytecode has a level (e.g. 65 for Java 21)

  • tools can’t work with a higher level
    than they were built for

This can block updates!

E.g. when compiling your code with Java 25 (level 69)…​

Migration Pains

This is the reason for:

Before updating the JDK,
update all dependencies.

We want to move past that!

Class-File API

An API in Java that allows
analyzing and manipulating bytecode:

  • stable API in JDK

  • always up-to-date

When JDK is updated:

  • it may read new bytecodes

  • but that’s ok for most use cases


Java 22/23

In a few slides…​

Java 22/23 Introduce

Java 23 Previews

Java 23 Continues

Java 22/23

Not explosive like Java 21,
but no slouches either.

Continue Java’s evolution.

Get JDK 23 at

So long…​

37% off with
code fccparlog


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